Perfect for a weekend breakfast or brunch that is delicious, easy and inexpensive!


Thanks to Ruthie Chant from  for the great recipe idea!


Get organized in the kitchen, plan your meals and teach your kids to cook with 

her site www.onlinemealplanning.com


What You Will Need:

8 bacon rashers

4 baguettes

4 eggs

6 lettuce leaves

2 tomatoes, sliced


What To Do:

  1. Begin by frying bacon then tomatoes
  2. Place bacon and tomatoes in an oven to keep them warm
  3. Slice baguettes and place in the oven
  4. Fry eggs
  5. Assemble baguettes on a bed of lettuce leaves
  6. Enjoy!



- Slice a French baguette into four for an alternative bread

- Add a little balsamic vinegar to your baking tomatoes and add a sprinkle of muscovado sugar on each slice

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