Tuna Salad with a Twist

March 29th, 2010 Recipes |
Tuna Salad with a Twist

We are told: “Don’t play with your food, it’s terribly, terribly rude”, but every once in a while, exceptions can be made, like with this fun and healthy lunch we call Tuna Salad with a twist!

What You Will Need:

Red, Yellow or Green Pepper

Tuna Salad

Carrot or Celery sticks

Cheese cut into triangles

Fish-shaped crackers (optional)

What To Do:

  1. Get the kids involved with making tuna salad (Mayonnaise and a can of tuna mixed together)
  2. While the kids are mixing the tuna, cut the pepper into halves to create your ship base.
  3. Have the kids scoop the tuna inside the vessel
  4. Cut a carrot or celery stick into strips and place as a mass in the centre of the tuna ship.
  5. Set a triangle of cheese next to the mass on top of the tuna
  6. Serve with the left over celery or carrot sticks and some fish crackers!

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